In the explore page, you will find awesome stuff in the world of science. There are videos and links to cool things happening on your planet. If you have something you would like to know more about, tell me in class and I'll add it to the explore page! Discover your universe!





What is light?? We can see our world because of little packets of energy called photons, but what IS light? Where did it come from and where is it going in such a hurry? The video below is from In A Nutshell and helps to shed some light on the situation. Pun intended. Don't judge me. 




Are we alone? This fundamental question has bothered mankind for millennia but now we can start to put the pieces together. With the advancement of telescope and data collection, we are getting closer and closer to finding the answer. Although most scientists (including myself) strongly believe life must exist on other planets, we are yet to see little green men waving back at us. Take a look at the video below to help paint the picture of life in the universe.




Water on Mars? Recently scientists may have found liquid water on Mars. It has long been known that water once flowed on the surface of Mars but we are yet to see it moving across the surface.... or are we? The video below talks about the possibilities come along with liquid water on Mars and how that could allow astronauts to stay for extended periods of time. It also raises the questions about life on Mars, both past and present.  




How big is the universe? Short answer: Really Big. Long answer: Unimaginably large. It's so vast that the human brain is simply not capable of understanding the vastness of the cosmos. Below are some videos that might help show you the scale of the universe. You might have to watch them more than once to get a true appreciation for the sizes that are being discussed. 







Well this is going to be awesome.....






Something you can try at home very easily. Static electricity is all around us but might hard to see sometimes. The activity in this video will allow you to visualize static electric and maybe make some adjustments of your own. Good Luck!!!





AAAHHHHHH!!! Is this world's FIRST image of fresh water actually FLOWING on surface of Mars? Click the link below to read more about it! It's a short article so don't shy away from checking it out. This could change everything.







This is what it looks like when a black hole tears a star apart!! Check out this video and short article about black holes!